Our First Ever Community-Powered Course

Join others on the path to sharper skills and bigger wins following the launch of the international bestselling book, Cold Calling Sucks (And That’s Why It Works).

Limited Availability: We're looking for only 100 reps to join the first community cohort!

our goal: teach you to book 1 in 4 cold calls

(And Give You The Club Community To Back It Up)

It sounds crazy, but it’s not as hard as you think. Over 20,000 sellers bought Cold Calling Sucks (And That’s Why It Works) and started booking meetings right away. This community-powered course is the ultimate step-by-step path to becoming a cold calling machine, with a community to help hold you accountable to getting there.

"Gentleman. I am so, so, so grateful for your book!

I've took on my first sales gig, outbounding because the inbound leads just aren't there with no training or support. All I have is your book.


- Steven G.

Verified Purchase

"I started reading your book, "Cold calling sucks, and that's why it works," and it has been a great read so far!

This is my second week working at Oracle NetSuite, and I put what I learned from the first three chapters into practice today on a live call and was able to book a meeting! I'm excited to keep reading, practicing, and getting better with my calls!"

- Faith L.

Verified Purchase

"Just wanted to say thank you - first cold call I made using the - have you heard our name tossed around - meeting booked with a target account!

Couldn't believe it,

Thank you Armand for publishing a book that actually gives good sales advice"

- Vijay

Verified Purchase

Problem Is, Most Courses Suck

There are way too many of them with conflicting advice that leaves you more confused than when you started.

💡 Info Overload: Courses tend to slap you with tips rather than a clear, actionable path.

🚫 Zero Focus: With conflicting opinions, how do you know which advice to trust? Hint: you don't.

Most people don’t even finish the courses they start (less than 15%). Why? Because they lack the two things you need most:

📢 No Feedback: How do you know if you’re applying the material correctly?

📅 No Accountability: Let’s be real—without accountability, it’s too easy to abandon ship. Most courses leave you to your own devices.

Online courses have earned a bit of a sketchy reputation. They’re marketed with overblown promises, and they don’t always deliver.

🚩 Red Flags: You see exaggerated claims, hyped-up testimonials, and too much flash.

🧐 Too Good to Be True?: With over-the-top promises and flashy marketing, it’s hard not to question if the course will actually deliver.

The Most Actionable Courses You've Ever Taken


We go through Step-By-Step Video Breakdowns

Get hands-on with real call reviews that walk you through each concept.

We’re not just teaching theory—we’re showing you exactly how to apply it in the field, so you can engrain it in your process.


We review real tapes so you can master the tone

We don’t just talk about doing the work—we help you do it.

Put your skills to the test with real-world challenges that force you to take action and improve every step of the way.


we give you community field tests to hold you accountable to the work

We’ll break down the tone, approach, and techniques used by top sellers, so you can hear exactly what works in real-world situations.

Master the art of cold calling by learning from real-life examples, not just theory


we Share access to the Club Community For Peer Feedback

Join a community of sellers who’ve been there, done that, and are ready to help you through it.

Get feedback, share experiences, and jump into the trenches with a support system that has your back.

Learn to Cold call step-by-step with real call reviews and real community challenges

You'll start with the concepts First


And master tone with real call reviews


Then, do it yourself via community field tests

start here


The intro is designed to get you started with practical steps and immediate action. You'll figure out if this course is for you and dive into your first real challenge.

✅ Ten Minutes To Figure Out If You Should Ask For A Refund

🔥 Community Field Test: Enroll in the 200 Dial Challenge

section 1

the first 60 seconds

In this section, you'll master the key elements of a successful cold call, from crafting your opener to delivering a solid pitch. With real-life examples and hands-on practice, you’ll refine your approach and put your skills to the test.

✅ Openers: Methodology

☎️ Openers: Call Reviews

✅ The Problem Proposition: Methodology

☎️ The Problem Proposition: Call Reviews

🔥 Community Field Test: Submit Your Cold Call Script

section 2


Section 2 breaks down objections. From dismissive pushbacks to tricky situations, you’ll sharpen your skills through real call reviews and jump into your next challenge to handle objections like a pro.

✅ How To Handle Objections Like Mr. Miyagi

☎️ Dismissive Objections: Methodology + Call Reviews

☎️ Situational Objections: Methodology + Call Reviews

☎️ Existing Solution Objections: Methodology + Call Reviews

🔥 Community Field Test: Ask Your First Question

section 3

How to be a machine

Section 3 dives into the tactics that turn dials into real opportunities. You’ll learn to navigate gatekeepers, leave voicemails that get replies, and boost your conversion rate—all while testing these skills in the field with the community.

☎️ How To Bypass The Gatekeeper + Call Reviews

✅ How to Leave Voicemails & Drive Email Replies

✅ How to Maximize Your Dial Conversion

✅ How to Maximize Your Dial Volume

🔥 Community Field Test: Answer Your First Question

surround yourself with other reps carving out their path to president's club

Sitting alone watching glorified YouTube videos, in a vacuum of feedback, is no way to learn. That’s why we’ve built this course to be interactive, personalized, and designed to actually teach you how to sell.

Real Challenges with Real Feedback.

Implement strategies for your specific hurdles and join a community that's got your back. Get feedback to refine your approach and support to stay motivated.

Exclusive Offer For the First 100 Reps

Be one of the first 100 to access both the course and community for just $100—that’s 1/12th of what our biggest competitor charges, and it’s the lowest price we’ll ever offer.

Small, Mighty, and Growing Together

We’re starting small to build the course culture from the ground up. Don’t just take a course—be part of shaping something new. Join the first 100 and unlock your path to President’s Club.

About The instructors

Armand Farrokh and Nick Cegelski are Founders of 30 Minutes to President’s Club, known for the #1 podcast in sales that breaks down the tactics of the top 1% of sellers in the world. But they’re practitioners first, content creators second.

Nick (Left) was the #1 enterprise seller at multiple companies where he sold six and seven-figure deals.

Armand (Right) was the VP of Sales who led Pave from $100k to $13M+ in revenue under 2 years.

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